Jan 8, 2011

Black Orpheus: Gil Scott Heron

My introduction to the work of Gil Scott-Heron came through listening to a piece on WPFW FM entitled, "Winter in America" back in the eighties.I was blown away by his commanding baritone, powerful poetic diatribes & impassioned political observations against a backdrop of jazz & blues rhythms. This man is a modern-day Socrates hurling verbal Molotovs at the Gods acknowledged by the State (i.e mass consumerism, individualism, materialism, nihilism, ethnicism &authoritarianism). Way too many artists succumb to their greed & egoistic desires, but Gil Scott remains true to his calling in spite of having succumbed to his own demons (drugs & alcohol). Living up to Henry David Thoreau’s dictum that ‘rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.’, Gil Scott continues to be one of the few lone voices left dispatching missives from his weathered depths.

Take the time to absorb & reflect upon his latest release which is absolutely brilliant in my opinion.This release is not as instigative as his past albums, but it is stirringly redemptive.

THe Visionary: Gil Scott Heron by MixMaster E on Grooveshark

(A remix of this CD will be out in February. Take a listen to the first single that's out now...)




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