Aug 9, 2013

The Four Horsemen

Check out this summary of The Four Horsemen Survival Manual which accompanies this important documentary. 
Sometimes when things are going well for you personally - family, job, friends, vacations, quiet times for reflection, etc- life seems fine. Yes, there are problems, but for you personally, nothing really to complain about. The thing is change is often gradual. Sometimes it takes decades for us to see things clearly, but if we are not affected personally, we may not see anything at all - until one day the things we were blind to knocks at our door. The only problem is it might be too late to do anything about what we are about to behold.

This documentary builds on this simple insight. It starts with the premise of a “cognitive map” which determines our perspective on the world at large — and might be seen as the modern-day battle field where the fate of this civilization will be decided upon. Throughout the feature we hear from an impressive group of thinkers who  dissect the clockwork of the global economy and the catastrophic implications if the people who rule the world are allowed to see their agenda through. The modern-day “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” encompasses -

 A rapacious financial system
 Escalating organized violence
 Abject poverty for billions
 Exhaustion of Earth’s resources

Denial runs deep in the USA. People just don't want to see what is standing right in front of them out of fear, apathy, ignorance/stupidity, comfort or some other deep-seated cause. Yet I suspect that even within this sad group, there are those who have a sneaking suspicion that something is wrong.

Although this documentary fails to adequately incorporate the role of the mass media and education, it is nonetheless an important contribution to our collective quest to understand what is really going on in this upside down world and things we can do to resist. 

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