Aug 7, 2005

Democracy (R.I.P) by MixMasterE

All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting. George Orwell

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face - forever
. George Orwell

We will defend our freedom. We will take the fight to the enemy " . I can't count how many times I've heard Lil George shamelessly utter these tired and irresponsible words not even registering, I am sure, the pain and suffering thousands of families are experiencing in the US from the loss of a family member in this deadly farce. The realization by a growing number of citizens that this Administration has lied to them is about to create a PR disaster for the war-mongers. There is even some talk circulating about a time-table for withdrawal (quite a remote, last option strategy, I'm sure).

Dr King once said that
truth crushed to the ground will rise again and no lie can last forever. This is readily apparent when one examines all the pretexts of democratizing and freeing the Iraqi citizenry when in actuality Iraq has been utterly ruined and its' natural resources siphoned off to the imperial vultures. A fundamental question arises: To what extent are we a domocracy? By launching a crusade on spurious grounds and stubbornly ignoring the objections of the majority of the US population ( not to mention world opinion), is downright machiavellian. 

Let's examine the sequence of fictitious rationales the Emperor (and his minions) threw out to keep us lulled:

First it was about saving the world from deadly weapons of mass destruction.

Then it was about liberating people.

Then it was about spreading democracy.

Then it was about fighting terrorists over there so we wouldn't have to fight them over here.

Then it was about keeping the peace in a land of violent convulsions where friend and foe are indistinguishable (come on, can you tell a Shi'a from a Sunni?), while we wait for a constitution to be written, approved, and rooted. But it's a pipe dream floated by the administration that keeps springing leaks and creating misery for those not fortunate enough to be in on the lucrative oil and gas contracts. This nonsense has to stop and the American people need to take their democracy back ( what we really have now is a plutocracy which is a government system where wealth is the principal basis of power. See Paul Krugman's excellent essay on this viewpoint: See also ).

Democracy may be hanging by the threads in this post 9-11 nightmarish landscape ( see ), but there is still hope. And history has proven that when people's backs are against the wall and their threshold for eating shit has reached its limit, they fight back ( read Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States" for a brilliant and moving history of the American people from the point of view of those who have been exploited politically and economically and whose plight has been largely omitted from most histories).

The power is in our hands.....

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