Aug 3, 2005

Policing Our Children: Killing Hope by MixMasterE

The Aftermath

When there's gun-fire and blasts,L

ives wrecked in a mad-mans task,
In the hurt and the grief
Many children believe,
We have a cure.
There's illness and sorrows
Lives wrecked, not tomorrows
In the hurt and the grief,
Many children believe,
We have a cure.
Politicians and their policies,
Lives wrecked, nations politics,
In the hurt and the grief,
Many children believe,
We have a cure.
Parents toil and strife,
Suffering other pitfalls of life,
In the hurt and the grief,
Many children believe,
We have a cure. ~Angela Henderson

It's one thing to handcuff and arrest the criminals amongst us ( from the petty thief to the corporate swindler), but the line should be drawn when it comes to children. Check here: This video is a snapshot of the downward spiral of US society into a quasi-police state ( ) divorced from any form common sense or reason. The child is clearly having a temper tantrum ( is this abnormal?) which is clearly of no danger to anyone. She lightly slaps a teacher with a level force that would barely swat a fly. Before the police handcuff her, she is seen calmly sitting down and being quiet. Still they persist to treat her like a criminal--at the age of 5!! Zero tolerance some call it in defense of the authoritarian zeitgeist (a constant nightmare overhanging darkly) about zero intelligence.

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