Nov 6, 2006

Amnesia: When You Awake, You Will Be Free by MixMasterE

Seldom a day or week goes by without some revelation of yet another hypocrite facing the funk of his/her own doing, especially those esconced knee-deep in variants of some conservative political ideology and/or static fundamentalist cosmology. A quick recap of the incredible wrecking train that is Bush's GOP:

--The Big Lie that is The Liberation Of Iraq has exploded in their dumb faces
(even a recently retired CIA agent had to admit this sham:
--Terrorism is a much greater threat now than ever before ( for the doubters:
Katrina showcased for the whole world to see gross incompetence, cronyism & classism/racism at the highest level.
--The Tom Delay-Jack Abramoff-Randy Cunningham-Bob Ney Corruption Tour Bus
( business-as-usual?You decide...'culture_of_corruption

--The shredding of the Constitution
with the Patriot and Military Commissions Acts.
(Amnesty International raises a number of concerns regarding the Patriot Act :
, and here's the other shackle to drive Freedom into the dust: )
--Mark Foley and Reverend Ted Haggard as poster children for Family Values.
Yep. Pump your followers with grandiose, self-righteous facades to keep the coffers full and sooner or know the sad tale)

Voters who intend to vote for a GOP candidate in tomorrow's electoral farce, should bear a few points in mind and possibly rethink your stance:

*Real median hourly wages have declined almost 2% under Bush. And this, five years into what they call an economic “recovery”.
*GDP growth is falling rapidly, down from 5.6% in Q1 to 2.6% in Q2 to 1.6% in Q3. Q4 will almost certainly be negative, the onset of a new recession.
*The nation’s savings rate has fallen below zero, the first time since the Great Depression.
*Home prices have just taken their biggest plunge in 35 years.
*Two million more people are in poverty than when Bush took office.
*Forty-eight million people have no health insurance, four million more than when Bush took office.
*Three million high wage manufacturing jobs have been lost under Bush, sent to China so Bush’s wealthy backers can make more profits using Chinese slave labor.
*The trade deficit has exploded to over $800 billion a year, up from $377 billion in the last year of the Clinton administration. Oops.
*With his record budget deficits, Bush has added $3 trillion to the national debt, more than any president in history. By the time his administration leaves office, it will have created more debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.
*As a result of Bush’s record debts, the nation is forced to borrow almost $3 billion a day, most of it from foreigners. Not since before the Civil War has the U.S. been so dependent on foreign capital. Oops.
*A full 70% of Bush’s $1.6 trillion in tax cuts went to the top 20% of income earners, those making an average of $190,000 per year. The bottom 40% of income earners, those making $14,000 a year, got a total of 5%.
*A higher share of national income goes to corporate profits than at any time since 1948.
*A lower share of national income goes to wages than at any time since 1947.

As a result of all of the above, income inequality—an inverse proxy for the vitality of democracy—is the greatest it’s been since the 1920s, just before the Great Depression (

...nuff said.

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