Nov 26, 2007

A Racial Con Game
by MixMasterE

So let me get this right:

Asians and Whites are the brightest while..."Hispanics" and "blacks" struggle to keep up academically.According to the stats I read in the major dailies and scholarly journals, the outlook is grim. A few scientists have even labeled such dire statistics "inevitable" & the results simply prove that genetically(once again)
"blacks" and "browns" just don't have the mental hardware to change
this imbalance anyway as it is simply Destiny/Evolution.../God that makes it so.


Something doesn't add up, Mr Watson/Mr Murray/Mr Brand:

If "blacks" just don't cut it, how come African and Caribbean immigrantsare beating both whites and Asians academically? Are we not also "black"? Are we (I'm from the Caribbean)purposely left out of the statistics so that some twisted agenda/mind-set can be perpetuated? I think so. Racism is such a stubborn beast, but the simplest truth can inflict mortal wounds in its' ancient flesh. The truth is the "Asians" are no "model minority"--only selectively so as African/Caribbean peoples trump them in the very things that make them "model minorities". White people have no higher standard as a birthright--there's nothing inherent in their genetic coding that makes them smarter. And who are they to designate who a model minority is?

I've always said, any group that had the means & mentality to brutally enslave another group of people for close to 400 years then institute laws (post-Emancipation Proclamation) to prevent them from getting educated, voting & living with decency and dignity, then that group would have a hell of a head start in terms of a legacy of educational achievement & socio-political power (and all the benefits that come from this, such as wealth/assets passed on from generation to generation, overall health, housing and a legal framework that sweeps otherwise corrupt and illegal actions under the rug). And to think that historical currents can conveniently be swept away and forgotten & to pretend now that everybody is on the same playing field in this country, is just retarded. Of course, who benefits from this deception are the very ones whose ancestors profited handsomely from the dehumanization of Africans (who, paradoxically, are now trouncing their children in school) Indians and Chinese.

Frantz Fanon's observation that "...the fact of the juxtaposition of the white and black 'races' has created a massive psycho-existential complex.." is a fascinating one and fits right into the thick of this complex
I will detail the life of this very important historical figure at another time.

Bullshit theories about white intelligence and superiority have been part and parcel of Western societies for ages. Why does this nonsense persist? As stated earlier, there is a vested interest in keeping this delusion alive as it justifies so many things and keeps things moving along (white/black sentencing differences for the same crime, income disparities, red-lining, etc ) without having to expend the time,energy and resources to acknowledge & implement correctives for this dark tide of this nation's history.

What is nothing short of miraculous is the fact that in spite of all the hits that White Supremacy has hurled against "blacks" in particular the world over, we are still standing. Our artistry and genius still bubbles to the surface in dance, song, literature, science and religion. Take it away Bob Marley:

We're the survivors
In this age of technological inhumanity (black survival),
Scientific atrocity (survivors),
Atomic misphilosophy (black survival),
Nuclear misenergy (survivors):
Its a world that forces lifelong insecurity (black survival).


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