Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living? -Bob Marley
One of the most enigmatic figures I have come across in my continuing search for answers to the ageless question of, "Why Are We here?"(besides "Jesus Christ" - "Yeshua" being the original Aramaic proper name for Jesus the Nazarene) & Prophet Muhammed) is the man known as The Buddha. I have been studying his words for years and have found profound synchronicities between his precepts and my experiences. Like a monk says in the brief but riveting documentary below, if his teachings can somehow be summed up in two words, it would be, "Live mindfully". I am no expert in Buddhist philosophy & practices, but it really does appear to me that Siddharta Gotama who became known as The Buddha (the 'enlightened one') revealed something timeless & universal enough to penetrate all religions without diminishing them in any way (the Four Noble Truths & The Eightfold Path are simply luminescent).
Check out this BBC documentary:-
Keep Searchin'!