Nov 23, 2008

The Disappearing Male

James Brown once bellowed, "It's a Man's World", in full, soulful, patriarchal power echoing a long-held belief that we (men) are inherently dominant & superior to everything and everyone (God's design, it has been argued), but it takes a woman (in a secondary role) to make it all worthwhile. I have never subscribed to this perverse mind-set (truthfully, a social disease of the highest order), but I am not going to elaborate on that now. Instead, I present the following documentary which might have well been called, "(S)he Who Laughs Last, Laughs Best" (in a tragicomic sense). It seems that all the poison we (men) have released upon the physical (and mental) environment has come back to haunt us and potentially sweep us off this artificial world we have created. Our own cleverness has turned against us! It's a man's world indeed.



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