Dec 6, 2008

On Existential & Democratic Possibilities

Listen: Hope on a Tightrope

Cornel West is indispensible in the quest for intellectual broad-mindedness and courageous honesty. I have highlighted the wisdom of Dr West before, & after reading his lastest book, "Hope On A Tightrope", I was once again deeply impressed with this modern-day Socrates. Words & ideas become alive and relevant when he expresses himself on any given topic, cross-pollinating various spheres of knowledge with such breath-taking dexterity, vision & passion that few can surpass. The Afterword of the book highlights the books & music that shaped his life which I dutifully noted for further research. I encourage you to CAREFULLY listen to Dr West in the above playlist and be prepared for reinvention (turning of the soul)....



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The Tragic Optimist's Guide to Surviving Capitalistic Nihilism

  ......b ecause surviving capitalism isn't just about existing—it's about finding meaning amidst the madness.