Feb 24, 2011

The Destruction of the Poor

“Something is happening here, but you don’t know what it is. Do you Mr. Jones?”

- “Ballad of a Thin Man" by Bob Dylan

When you talk to some people, it seems that either they don't have a clue on what's happening to the world's impoverished masses, or they do, but lack empathy. As much as you try to bring some detail to their attention, they would much rather talk about some nice bedroom set they saw at IKEA, what Lebron did on the court or what the ladies on Housewives from Atlanta were up to on the last episode. It seems that as long as they're eating well and living comfortably with money invested and kids doing well in school, they could care less about the numerous socio-political, educational & ecological crises that rage around them (which will threaten their own security in the long term).Vacuous people. They should all be pimp-slapped & all their possessions taken in order for them to feel for a moment the utter ruin & desperation billions of people feel every waking moment of their lives. Check out rhe following documentary and be humbled....



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