Mar 16, 2011

The Grief That Binds

Sometimes the Earth is cruel.

Observing the moving images of Japan's devastation, one is reminded of the utter precariousness of life. We have no choice but to accept that as part of the bargain called life. Calamity may strike at any time, and when it is our turn to deal with it, we do...& so it goes. The tears will fall, the dead memorialized, a community/nation rebuilt, prayers & well-wishes flow until the next calamity somewhere else grabs our hearts & attention. Yesterday Japan...tomorrow...? President Obama in his own grief & concern observed, 
“When you see what's happening in Japan, you are reminded that, for all our differences in culture or language or religion, that ultimately humanity is one." The magnitude of the devastaion overwhelms--What can I do? You may breathe a prayer &/or write a check, but it seems so paltry against the need, so inconsequential against the ruin of a nation & its people.

When I read the history of other nations, one thing that strikes me repeatedly is the sheer will of the common people to live/survive. Whether by forces of nature or some man-made terror, people have a tendency of reaching down to their core and igniting their will to resist the calamities that befall them. Is this not the reason we are still here as a species? Our arms may be too short to box with God, but we have a built-in insistence to live for there is absolutely nothing else we can do despite all the cruelties of the Earth. May God's grace rain down on the people of Japan at this time.

Below is a rare Jazz CD by Harold Blanchard (w/Quincy Jones, Chick Corea & Hubert Laws) entitled, "New Earth Sonata", that blends Blues, Classical, Electronic, Funk / Soul & Jazz & it was brought to mind after observing the tragic images of Japan.

(To send donations for Japan's relief efforts,
ABCNews International has an excellent list to choose from. (Their links for Haiti's relief efforts are still up as well).

New Earth Sonata : Suite in A Minor by EddieL.



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