Apr 10, 2011

The Path of the Warrior

These two videos of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Wangari Maathai and renowned Canadian geneticist and environmental activist David Suzuki, are graceful eye-openers to a world beyond our narrow self-interests. Dr. Maathai--a voice of courage on women's equality, deforestation, social justice and human rights in her native Kenya--is a true warrior who has dedicated her life to the health of the planet & the poor.
Dr. Suzuki--a Japanese Canadian academic, science broadcaster and environmental activist-- is the kind of scientist that tells it like it is & he does it with a cool & grace that are just as impressive. He speaks eloquently about the central role that the women in his life and around the world have played in social and environmental justice. Not many scientists are of this caliber as money, ego & power have long been resident toxins in the waters of intellectual honesty & moral conviction.

Please take some time to absorb what these enlightened folks are trying to teach us.

David Suzuki: Restoring Life's Fabric from Bioneers on Vimeo.

Also, take a look at Dirt: The Movie--Very interesting!



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