Love Has Found Its Way by MixmasterE
One of the best Lovers-Rock jams of all time! Originally done by the late great Dennis Brown, this buttery-smooth version over spare arrangements by the heir to the Lovers-Rock throne, Maxi Priest, is the best I've ever heard. Although this cut is way too short, you can still feel its power & honesty. Check out the original here.
::: Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth:::
Chris Hedges: How Fascism Came
/// America’s democracy was destroyed by the two ruling parties who sold us out to corporations, militarists and billionaires. Now we pay...
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This world is one great battlefield, With forces all arrayed; If in my heart I do not yield, I’ll overcome some day. — Charles A. Tind...
Always trust yourself and your own feeling, as opposed to argumentations, discussion, or introductions of that sor...