Jul 23, 2011

Turning on the Charm

Dr Cornel West's critique of President Obama is very interesting. He overlooks a critical component in money politics, however: The President is smart enough to know that you don't hit the political sweet spot by playing to your base (the folks that got him elected!). And he knows that you don't succeed by biting the hands that feed you (big corporate donors). Dr West's anger, though understandable, is misplaced. He of all people should know how the system works. I gather that, like most people who voted for Pres. Obama in 2008, he was hoping that President Obama would carry through on his mandate for change. Then his hopes began to crumble when the President stacked his cabinet with the same insiders he ranted against & to top it off, bailed out the corporate gangsters who awarded themselves bonuses while laying off workers. The President is savvy & brainier than many of his predecessors, but unlike Dr West. I harbor no illusions or false hopes. I would imagine the the pressure of his (Pres. Obama) job is staggering, but I sometimes wish he would take a righteous stand on something and stick to it regardless of what the polls/strategists have to say. Stop pussy-footing with the GOP, for example, and use his constitutional authority to raise the debt ceiling. This is just crazy.

We are now in the election cycle for next year's presidential elections so go out and get your boots for the massive snow job coming your way.



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