Aug 3, 2011



"Our faith in the inevitability of human progress constitutes an inability to grasp the tragic nature of history. Human history is one of constant conflict between the will to power and the will to nurture and protect life. Our greatest achievements are always intertwined with our greatest failures. Our most exalted accomplishments are always coupled with our most egregious barbarities. Science and industry serve as instruments of progress as well as instruments of destruction. The Industrial Age has provided feats of engineering and technology, yet it has also destroyed community, spread the plague of urbanization, uprooted us all, turned human beings into cogs and made possible the total war and wholesale industrial killing that has marked the last century. These technologies, even as we see them as our salvation, are rapidly destroying the ecosystem on which we depend for life."

~~Chris Hedges

Trump’s Vision For a “Golden Age of America”: Oligarchy Plus Ultranationalism

Source: Z Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 47 th  president of the United States put on display fascism’s 21 st -century iteration — a com...