Sep 4, 2011

Soldiers of Conscience

The following PBS documentary presents a powerful and balanced look at the choice a soldier makes when he/she is about to take a life. The all too human reality is that many soldiers have to wrestle with the morality of killing in war. It's a split-second decision in the heat of combat that can never be forgotten or undone. We see the fall-out of such decisions in its tragic details when these soldiers return home from the battlefields: Suicide, drug/alcohol abuse, family problems/disintegration, homelessness & high unemployment, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression. You have to feel sorry for them yet, the same time, detest the reasons they were sent to war in the first place (decisions usually made by folks who have never been on a battlefield). The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya (and other places) are not being fought for democracy, humanitarianism or any other feel-good rationale the corporate media constantly throws in our faces. Soldiers are dying for the ultimate goal of controlling the resources of other nations for profit & geopolitical advantage. We all know this, but the truth hurts. Take a deep listen to what the soldiers are saying....




Yes, Trump is Vulgar. But the US Global Shakedown is the Same One As Ever by Johnathan Cook

Source: MiddleEastEye   If there is one thing we can thank US President Donald Trump for, it is this: he has decisively stripped away the ri...