Nov 16, 2011

Masters Of The Game

From left, James Black Jr., Justus Williams and Joshua Colas. Their success is a “phenomenon,” one veteran chess player said.

Great article from the New York Times (11/12/11) about three boys from New York who have a achieved a rare feat in chess: the title of Master (before reaching 13!!) To be that young with that title is mind-blowing. Read the detail of this amazing story here.

I had to post this article as chess has been kicking my a** for years, so to see these KIDS master a game that has given me nothing but grief, is nothing short of amazing. 



Poet's Nook: "Do Not Spare Yourself" by Mario Benedetti

  / / / Don’t stand motionless by the side of the road don’t petrify your joy don’t desire with reserve do not spare yourself now or ever  ...