Nov 15, 2011


(could it be?)
Before you were born, you were in a large room, laughing and dancing with a thousand other souls.  The birth angel came into the room and held up a card.  Everyone in the room could instantly read the card and understand its contents.  The card contained your birth and death, all the experiences and choices of your lifetime.
Someone said, ‘Ooo — look what happens to her when she is 5.’  Someone else said, ‘I did that stuff last time,’ and a third: ‘I think I’ll pass on this one.’
After a brief silence, you said, ‘I’ll take it!’ and a great cheer rose up through the crowd.  You followed the angel down a long hall, a door opened, and you forgot the crowd, the cheers.  You began to play your part, and pretended to be alone. 

-Brian Arnell



Poet's Nook: "Do Not Spare Yourself" by Mario Benedetti

  / / / Don’t stand motionless by the side of the road don’t petrify your joy don’t desire with reserve do not spare yourself now or ever  ...