Dec 6, 2011

The Insistence of Life: A Cinematic Vision of Afghanistan

This film is both tragic & beautiful for obvious reasons. The following poem is from an Afghan poet writing in the imagined voice of a 10 year old girl from Kandahar reflecting on 10 years of U.S./NATO warfare in Afghanistan:

Who says this must be so?
Who cares that this is so?
I shudder that the raids and bombs
have made us less than human.
I wish to go to our deserted schools
to understand why we are like this.

I used to dream of spaces,
blue skies and gentler people.
I heard mother through her burqa
pleading please ‘Stop!’
‘Stop the money. Stop the killing.

Another local explosion,
more international lies.
Our global problem is that
guns impose greater force
than common sense
or vision, which tells me
that my mother’s world is crashing.

It's crazy what is happening to the people of Afghanistan--the United States continues to afflict them with vile maneuvers to control their resources, perpetuate violence as a justification for maintaining its operating bases, the building of a U.S. Embassy soon to become the largest in the world, three major prisons & an unspecified number of detention sites. What a shame that our economic system has to continue to maintain itself on the blood, sweat, tears and resources of others with such reckless impunity. Call it imperialism, neocolonialism or the sorrows of empire--I call it just plain evil.



Poet's Nook: "Do Not Spare Yourself" by Mario Benedetti

  / / / Don’t stand motionless by the side of the road don’t petrify your joy don’t desire with reserve do not spare yourself now or ever  ...