Jan 10, 2012

The Threat of the Weak-Minded

There is absolutely no reason in this day & age for people to be so ridiculously ignorant. When I say ignorant, I am not implying that one needs a degree or certifications to escape that pejorative label as some of  the most ignorant people I've ever met have college/post-graduate degrees. Ignorance to me implies a shutting off of one's critical faculties in order to maintain a degree of cognitive coherence & harmony. It's too disturbing to consider contrary viewpoints for some so instead of considering the challenges head-on (& possibly reformulating their position(s)), it's easier to remain in some unlit, dusty corner where other like-minded mice dwell. That's how I think of the Tea Party supporters. They're not totally to blame as this video demonstrates, but the level of gullibility/unquestioning acceptance of propaganda truly astounds. The notion of being skeptical & verifying the facts for oneself seems to escape this tiresome but potentially dangerous group. Remember: Hitler had a nation under his spell during Germany's worst atrocities - beware the power of propaganda & damn it - think for yourselves!!


