Feb 14, 2012

Love So Right

From the Catholic Church saints  (& ancient Roman rituals) that named/influenced it to the crass commercialism & God-awful Hallmark cards that enshrine it, this day, Valentine's Day, which is dedicated to those who love, have loved or just wanna be loved, is a big pay day for restaurants, taxis/limos, supermarkets, flower shops & jewelers across the land (let's not talk about the sappy movies that foist unrealistic images/story lines on to our collective mind-stream on this day). In spite of this crap, Valentine's Day, like Christmas, signifies an ideal of honoring those we care for & showcases aspects of our better angels within. Whether one desires to go all-out with the limo pick-up to a five-star restaurant or keep it simple by enjoying a quiet evening with a lone candle, good conversation and Chinese takeout regaled in black dress socks, a V-neck T-shirt & flip flops, it doesn't matter - as long as you enjoy it is all that matters.

Have a fantastic evening....



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