Feb 2, 2012

Fish Head: What's Wrong With Our World?

Why does a person sometimes "perpetrate" good if nobody knows about it?
Well, it's only possible because slumbering inside of you,
However unconsciously, is a kind of...a kind of observer
Who sees everything you do
And what else could it be than eternity, than infinity?
Somethng that surpasses...all conceivable horizons of our conduct..

-Vaclav Havel (from I Am Fishhead)

This excellent documentary delves into the world of  psychopaths --many of whom are celebrities and 'captains of industry' - and in the process, reveals something crucial about ourselves.




Yes, Trump is Vulgar. But the US Global Shakedown is the Same One As Ever by Johnathan Cook

Source: MiddleEastEye   If there is one thing we can thank US President Donald Trump for, it is this: he has decisively stripped away the ri...