Jun 22, 2012

Bitch Redefined


This word & all its shades of meaning still packs a punch whether one uses it in a derogatory manner or as a term of empowerment as a lot of fiercely independent women are (re)claiming nowadays. I hate the word, but I gotta say, I have begun to use it not out of disrespect for or reference to females, but as a way to express my utter rejection of grown men who act like they're walking on air, unassailable, self-centered & perpetually right about everything.. I think this word is the best descriptor of MEN who act in this manner, regardless of sexual orientation. And just who do I regard as a bitch? Here's a shortlist:

(1) That man who is deaf to reason & commonsense & insists on projecting power & control in any given situation 
(2) That man who talks over you when you have barely articulated your point of view

(3) The man who nags & complains about things of little or no consequence
(4) The man who has an excuse for everything 
(5) The man who denigrates others who have less than he has (education, income, etc)
(6) The man who keeps up with every fad & overestimates his importance
(7) The man who quickly dismisses the opinions of others that don't match his own
(8) The man too afraid to leave the safe confines of his well-manicured, gated neighborhood
(9) The man too afraid to share power equitably - even with his own wife/girlfriend!
(10) The man who snitches for favors when it's not necessary

If you find yourself on this list, you're a straight bitch in need of self-correction, dude. We're all fallible creatures so self-criticism should be in constant play. A lot of grown men avoid this somewhat discomforting task, but it must be done as it's the only way to improve. (Learning when to simply shut your trap when your opinion is not solicited is an important first step).



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