Jul 14, 2012

Of Shills & Sharks

When Mitt Romney addressed the NAACP the other day, I really didn't expect much outside of the typical sloganeering to curry favor with an electorate historically known to vote Democratic. That he was booed for attacking Obamacare (which incidentally is a carbon-copy of his health care bill he presented in Massachusetts), teachers unions, etc was to be expected from a largely African-American audience, but surely he too had to expect it (in spite of the fact that the GOP paid & flew in African-American supporters to cheer him on). Symbolically, Romney went on stage, faced his audience, unzipped his pants & took a whizz on them. It was a calculated move meant to excite his own deep-pocketed backers & trailer park supporters. And if that wasn't bad enough, this clown went to the bottom of that ol' reliable race-bucket of stereotypes & unleashed this affront the day after:
When I mentioned I am going to get rid of Obamacare, they weren’t happy, I didn’t get the same response. That’s O.K, I want people to know what I stand for and if I don’t stand for what they want, go vote for someone else, that’s just fine…
But I hope people understand this, your friends who like Obamacare, you remind them of this, if they want more stuff from government tell them to go vote for the other guy — more free stuff.

He had no intention on bridging the divide between most nonwhite Americans and political conservatives. He doesn't feel it's necessary, it appears. So why the hell is this guy running for President? Somebody - anybody - enlighten a brother. My suspicion is Romney realizes something most folks are not aware of: American democracy has been bought, hook, line & f***ing sinker. That is the only explanation I can think of as he  seems confident that he can win an election with nonwhite support. It seems he's emboldened by all the big money coming his way which is worrying the Obama camp: "This is no joke. If we can't keep the money race close, it becomes that much harder to win in November," Obama campaign's chief operating officer Ann Marie Habershaw wrote in an email to supporters, titled "We Could Lose If This Continues." Yes folks, Citizens United sealed the deal & your vote really doesn't carry as much weight as it used to.

Now back to that free lunch mark he made. This ticked me off big time!

As far as free lunches go, we of course just witnessed the biggest government handout in history, one that Romney himself endorsed. 4.5 trillion dollars in bailout money already disbursed, trillions more still at risk in guarantees and loans, sixteen trillion dollars in emergency lending from the Federal Reserve, two trillion in quantitative easing, etc. etc. All of this money went to Romney’s crooked pencil dicks in the Wall Street banks that for years helped Romney take over companies with mountains of borrowed cash. Now, after these banks crashed, executives at those same firms used those public funds to pay themselves massive salaries, which is exactly the opposite of “helping those who need help,” if you’re keeping score.

I can't stand a hypocrite, maaan! The thug in me just wants to knock his lights out. That aside, what kind of political instincts does this guy have? Appealing to trailer park white folks in the worst way is a harebrained move that may swing white voters his way, but will that unite the country should he win the November election? I see a more troubled nation if he wins. The guy is a total nut who seems to have a heart of stone & worrisome personality that borders on the psychopathic.

The choice is yours.



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