Jan 22, 2013

The Martin Most Don't Know

Wisdom, Justice, and Love by Linkin Park on Grooveshark
We all know MLK as the Gandhian pacifist who stood on the side of the vilified & rejected, but what is not promoted as much (for obvious reasons) is MLK as Anti-War Rebel. He was pretty much marked for death after his anti-Vietnam speech at the Riverside Baptist church in 1967. Unlike most in leadership today (including Pres. Obama), he was no coward - he knew the monster he was up against, stared it down & paid the consequences. Take a listen to Dr Jared Ball's perspective on how the discourse of MLK has become sanitized by those who would much rather not have the public be too aware of MLK's blistering critique of systemic forces that covers the world in darkness....



The War You Don't See

  Get the book here Excellent interview with Chris Hedges: