Jul 8, 2013

Is Edward Snowden a Hero?

Very good points raised on both sides - What's your take? In truth, the hero/traitor debate raging through the media is essentially a meaningless one to me for a number of reasons. It reduces an incredibly complex issue down to a binary question. That smells of anti-intellectualism. Also, it ignores the legal definition of treason.Treason is betrayal, simply put - but who was Snowden betraying? Certainly not his conscience. And spare me the argument of "betraying his country" - what is his country doing?  More importantly though, the question ignores the details of Snowden’s leaks in favor of some emotional identification with one side or the other - "you're either with us or against us" bullshit. I would like to think that most folks are more advanced than this...

Stay alert ...



Richard Wolff: What's Coming Is WORSE Than A Recession

  Screw the parasitic super-rich!!