Jul 23, 2014

A Terrifying Reality

It really does appear to me that the entire globe is in a very dark place and will get darker still unless voices of conscience arise in resistance....As we've learned so many times throughout history, silence is complicity and defensiveness is ideological endorsement. 

The good news is folks are waking up to the truth all over the world as demonstrations in South Africa, London, India, Turkey, Spain, South Korea, Greece, Germany, Tunisia, China, Indonesia & Washington D.C have erupted with righteous indignation towards Israel’s deadly assault on the Gaza Strip. This has to stop. Much like how the world united and boycotted South Africa during the Apartheid era, the same has to be done to Israel.

Wake up & resist the Darkness......



Chris Hedges: The Road to Dictatorship

     Do not go gentle into that good night......