Sep 24, 2014

Project Censored: The Movie

"Project Censored: The Movie" is a documentary film about the news media in the United States written and directed by Christopher Oscar and Doug Hecker. The film is based on the work by Project Censored, a media organization at Sonoma State University that publishes under-reported news stories. I have been posting Project Censored material for a few years on this blog. It is truly amazing how much bullshit passes as "news" on a daily basis. Entertainment/Sports news is front & center--junk food news. No wonder most people don't have a clue as to what is going on in the world. And all that banter in between the "news" items by the anchors themselves - what they hell is that? Who cares about their thoughts/opinions?  Instead of silly talk, give us information that matters! How are we to have a vibrant democracy without relevant news? Judging from the documentary, maybe the intention really is to dumb us down and dilute our collective power.........As I've said repeatedly, seek alternative media live DemocracyNow, RT, InTheseTimes, Alternet or The Guardian to get a better understanding of what's going on....



Yes, Trump is Vulgar. But the US Global Shakedown is the Same One As Ever by Johnathan Cook

Source: MiddleEastEye   If there is one thing we can thank US President Donald Trump for, it is this: he has decisively stripped away the ri...