Nov 16, 2014


The modern office desk should be considered a slow-moving death trap.  Just look at the number of fitness magazines that have run stories about the fatal perils of sitting at an office desk for eight hours and you’ll find stories about how it makes you sick,  fat, weak and...dead

All that time spent sitting and staring at a computer while your fingers engage in a zombified Riverdance across your keyboard is one of the worst things you can be doing to yourself. A study by the University of Hong Kong even found that people would be better off walking around and smoking than sitting all day and doing nothing. More, a quarter of all deaths of people aged 35 and up were caused by a lack of physical exercise.

Death-by-desk job is becoming such a white collar health epidemic that there are now exercise regimens designed specifically for people who stay velcroed to their office chair all day. Seriously, your hours spent toiling at your desk job isn’t going to result in a fun retirement party; it’s going to result in one chilly dirt nap, and probably sooner than your retirement pension would kick in, too. 

As an incentive to get your ass up and moving, have a look at this infographic about how your desk job is systematically filing years off of your life. When you’re done, do yourself a favor and go walk around for a bit. If nothing else, it’ll keep the blood in your legs from calcifying before the end of your work day.
Work Is Murder



The War You Don't See

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