Mar 22, 2015


                              =====>  InREALLIFE DOCUMENTARY <====

Never in the history of the world have the merchants of obscenity – the teachers of unnatural sex acts – had available to them the modern facilities for disseminating this filth." So says the middle-aged presenter with the stern expression, fighting in vain like a knackered Luddite to hold back the tide of technological advancement. The film is Perversion For Profit, a 1965 propaganda short on the dangers of the modern printing press, but it could just as easily be taken from this documentary. InRealLife.

Backed by the kind of gloomy, discordant soundtrack, the film delves into the online lives of a select group of teenagers, discovering to its horror that most of them would rather play videogames, take selfies and lust after the opposite sex than straighten up, fly right and do their chores. And no, the dramatic revelations don't end there. Over the course of 90 minutes, you'll be stunned to learn that online data isn't actually stored in clouds (yes, people really do believe this, literally!!)

Stay awake..



The War You Don't See

  Get the book here Excellent interview with Chris Hedges: