Apr 23, 2017

Where to Invade Next

Where to Invade Next is a compelling documentary on the need for discussion and change in US society. The film’s title is a tongue-in-cheek name based on America’s world reputation for leading the charge against rival nations. Throughout the film, Moore ‘invades’ other countries to learn what ideas they may have to offer the United States. As the narrator and director, he investigates the ideas that Europe has regarding social issues such as healthcare, education, paid leave and vacation, sex education, decriminalization of drugs, and even cafeteria food. Through these discussions, Where to Invade Next highlights some of the ideologies existing in American culture that may need an extreme overhaul to keep up with civilized society.

Ignorance, Its Uses and Nurture by  Fred Reed

  Source: Feed On Everything Democracy may not be the silliest idea concocted by man but, for anything larger than a small town, it ...