Robert Reich explains why the only real way to build the economy is through rise up economics. Investments in American workers -- in their health care, job training, and education -- is the key to economic growth, not tax cuts for the rich and corporations.We gotta demand it folks! These cold-hearted, greedy m*f*ers have an iron grip on the economy & its killing us....
::: Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth:::
Mar 2, 2018
Why We Need Rise-Up Economics, Not Trickle-Down
Robert Reich explains why the only real way to build the economy is through rise up economics. Investments in American workers -- in their health care, job training, and education -- is the key to economic growth, not tax cuts for the rich and corporations.We gotta demand it folks! These cold-hearted, greedy m*f*ers have an iron grip on the economy & its killing us....
The DOGE Takeover Is Worse Than You Think by Brian Barrett
Source: Wired If you’ve felt overwhelmed by all the DOGE news, you’re not alone. You’d need too much cork board and yarn to keep track of w...
From random atoms floating around the cosmos 14 billion years ago, you have to admit we humans, as a species, have come pretty fa...
This world is one great battlefield, With forces all arrayed; If in my heart I do not yield, I’ll overcome some day. — Charles A. Tind...
Always trust yourself and your own feeling, as opposed to argumentations, discussion, or introductions of that sor...