One Strange Rock is a documentary series that premiered on the National Geographic Channel on March 26, 2018. The ten-part series tells the story of how life survives and thrives on planet Earth, as told by eight astronauts from their unique perspective of being away from Earth . Hosted by actor Will Smith, it features contributions from astronauts Chris Hadfield, Nicole Stott, Jeff Hoffman, Mae Jemison, Leland Melvin, Mike Massimino, Jerry Linenger and Peggy Whitson.
::: Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth:::
Apr 8, 2018
One Strange Rock
One Strange Rock is a documentary series that premiered on the National Geographic Channel on March 26, 2018. The ten-part series tells the story of how life survives and thrives on planet Earth, as told by eight astronauts from their unique perspective of being away from Earth . Hosted by actor Will Smith, it features contributions from astronauts Chris Hadfield, Nicole Stott, Jeff Hoffman, Mae Jemison, Leland Melvin, Mike Massimino, Jerry Linenger and Peggy Whitson.
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Source: Z Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 47 th president of the United States put on display fascism’s 21 st -century iteration — a com...
From random atoms floating around the cosmos 14 billion years ago, you have to admit we humans, as a species, have come pretty fa...
This world is one great battlefield, With forces all arrayed; If in my heart I do not yield, I’ll overcome some day. — Charles A. Tind...
Always trust yourself and your own feeling, as opposed to argumentations, discussion, or introductions of that sor...