May 3, 2008

Grand Theft Semantics

I wrote a short essay on educated fools a few weeks ago & this 60 Minutes clip of Judge Antonin Scalia fits oh-so-snugly into my definition of what one is. What an unrepentant buffoon! In the 60 Minutes interview, we learned (amongst other tidbits) that he never received a grade less than an "A" and was always on top in his class. I guess his 'high intelligence' served him well when he gave the 2000 elections to President Bush and when he says that torture should not be considered as punishment (check this critique as well)...Sharp and critical minds like former Supreme Court Justice Brennan & Thurgood Marshall are sorely missed.


Trump’s Vision For a “Golden Age of America”: Oligarchy Plus Ultranationalism

Source: Z Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 47 th  president of the United States put on display fascism’s 21 st -century iteration — a com...