May 1, 2008

"Rich people, God Bless Us!"

This has to be one of the most ignorant statements I have ever heard ( and I have heard some doosies). This coming from a presidential candidate who claims to be looking out for the middle to low-income people of this nation. What an abomination as it is the rich who continue to make off like the bandits that they are at the majority's expense. Welcome to the saddest sideshow in town: Witness the greatest concentration of income since 1928, with 23.9 percent of all income going to the richest one percent of the population. Behold!This one percent now owns 34.3 percent of the nation's private wealth, more than the combined wealth of the bottom 90 percent (that's us, the crumb-catchers and our offspring, the crumb-snatchers). This same one percent also owns 36.9 percent of all corporate stock and are getting additional benefits from unprecedented levels of capital gains income. Today, the world's 1,100 billionaires have a net worth double that of the bottom 2.5 billion people. The richest 10% of adults worldwide own 85% of global wealth while the poorest half barely own 1%. The 10 million millionaires worldwide have seen their wealth double to nearly $37 trillion over the past 10 years...I can go on, but you get the point: we are getting pimped big time and the biggest pimps are not the ones standing on the corner with the wide-brimmed hats with the long feather sticking out & matching fur coats, The biggest pimps are the Mastercard/Visa, Exxon Mobil, Halliburton, Veritas Capital, Bank of America, Monsanto, L-3, Walmart & Blackstones of the world who are playing cities, states, nations and families like dispensable fodder to feed their avaricious, bottomless appetites.

"Rich people..God bless us?" God has nothing to do with this so-called blessing. It's the same old corrupt and conniving bullshit, Senator.


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Source: Z Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 47 th  president of the United States put on display fascism’s 21 st -century iteration — a com...