May 18, 2011

The Inside Job

I have to admit that when President Barack Obama hired many of the Wall Street insiders featured in this documentary, I was hugely disappointed as I really wanted to believe that Presidents could be more than just figure heads for the real decision makers. Either the President wasn't aware of the massive corruption in the financial sector that almost destroyed the world economy or he knew but was naive enough to believe that the same Ivy League assholes could correct it. As intelligent as the President is, I believe he purposely chose to ignore this financial armageddon for the sake of political expediency. As much we all like the President on a personal level & admire his eloquence and keen intellect, we must not allow ourselves to be blinded by this. As Shakespeare wrote in Macbeth, "‘Fair is foul, and foul is fair’, which means appearances aren’t what they seem. Take some time to absorb & reflect upon this sobering documentary. To borrow the theme of the President's quest to the White House (which seems to have been forgotten), we need change we can believe in.

Click HERE for the study guide that accompanies this documentary.



Chris Hedges: The Road to Dictatorship

     Do not go gentle into that good night......