Oct 6, 2011

Occupy Everything!

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at livestream.com

Ever since I started this blog, one question I consistently posed in one way or another was: When will the American people wake up? Well, it appears that they are waking up now as years of denial & self-deception have caved into the grim facts of reality. The corporate media tried to blank out this nascent movement hoping that it would peter out, but it kept getting stronger as more and more people are now ass-out & finding it harder to thrive & survive. Even Fox News covered it for the first time today! Imagine that.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke testified before the Joint Economic Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC,  yesterday with the dire facts. In a nutshell, he warned that US economic recovery is “close to faltering”, and that a “disorderly” default in the Greek debt would have a serious impact here. What he didn't mention (for obvious reasons) was the greed, fraud and theft of  the Wall Street pimps (& their prostitutes on Capitol Hill) who continue to get their perks and bonuses while laying off workers & off-shoring their profits, jobs & manufacturing facilities. It's way past time for this madness to end & a unified front is the only way to turn the tide & take our wealth back! 

OccupyDC starts today at McPherson Square. If you cannot be there, you can still be part of the movement by donating resources here.

We are all we've got--Join the movement! . This is our moment.




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